This is indeed a good false cut to be done at the table. It is a little fancier than it should to be done casually and without drawing attention, and is not good for card hustling for this reason. However, many people would rather demonstrate skill at the table, and not pretend to be an beginner as you would in card hustling, and for this circumstance, it is a great false cut and to be used frequently.
Very good and simple false cut!! And great teaching as always
This is indeed a good false cut to be done at the table. It is a little fancier than it should to be done casually and without drawing attention, and is not good for card hustling for this reason. However, many people would rather demonstrate skill at the table, and not pretend to be an beginner as you would in card hustling, and for this circumstance, it is a great false cut and to be used frequently.
i cant let go the top pack. the cards wont let go from my fingers..