The Double Lift is one of the most important moves in card magic and is used in many card tricks. I have explored many different double lift techniques over the years, and this is my favorite. It consists of a pinky count and a two card pushover technique.
Pinky Count (optional)
Dai Vernon
Deck Used
Legends Deck
The link for the pinky count video doesn’t appear to work. The video is there if you go through the video library to find it though.
Thanks for letting me know about this. It has been fixed.
Hi, thanks for the tutorial! Do you look at the deck while you do your pinky count or you just feel it? Thank you!
Thanks for the great video. I’m having real trouble getting the two cards to slide out completely square – the top card always seems to slide faster, exposing the second card. Was this an issue you had when you first started practicing?
Great stuff
Thanks Asad