The Wedge Cull is a variation on the standard spread cull that allows you to effectively cull and control multiple cards in the process of spreading through the deck.
Intermediate – Advanced
Credits – Larry Jennings, Vernon
Source – The Classic Magic of Larry JenningsDeck Used
The credit for the Wedge Cull goes to Vernon from the book Select Secrets. Jennings, who uses the cull in The Bonus Trick even refers to it as the “Vernon Wedge”.
I’ll add Vernon to the credits section for the the wedge; but I believe using the wedge in the context of a culling technique is still Larry Jennings. The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings does mention the Vernon wedge but it refers to this technique as Larry’s Wedge Cull.
Vernon uses it as a culling technique in Follow the Leader. the difference is that Vernon culls three cards in a row, and Jennings culls cards that are not necessarily together in the spread.
Where do you get the pad that you use in the videos?