“Hi Asad – I’m a serious magic hobbiest (and by day a director/writer/actor of movies and TV shows) and I’ve scoured many sources and your style of teaching is by far my favorite … I’m wanting to put some time (and money) into taking my skills to the next level, and I want you to be my teacher!”
– David Wain
“What you are doing here is truly magnificent. Your dedication to better people skills and help them with their social abilities is touching. You have such detailed explanations and tutorials that even the beginners can learn from. Sites like these can drastically help people open up and allow kids to express themselves in a positive and rewarding way. Shy kids a can really go up to someone and make new friends with the simplest of utilities; a deck of cards. You have helped me so much throughout my magic career. Thank you dearly, once again, for giving back to the community. Rock on Asad, rock on :)”
– Devin
“I’m a 44 year old family doctor who has always loved sleight of hand but have never had the time to invest in learning…only watching. Now I’m learning. It’s a great and inexpensive hobby and it’s even become a great way to spend time with my 4 children. Of all the sources I’ve used so far, I’ve enjoyed yours the most. Concise yet thorough. Keep up the great work. I really appreciate your help.”
– Mike
“I’d just like to tell you how great the website looks. It seems very smooth and professionally designed, also the tutorials themselves are easy tofollow and entertaining. So congratulations on giving a great service!”
– Andrew
“If this site were delivered to me on a Big Chief paper tablet, it would still be one of the most valuable and cherished pieces of information that I have access to. I have been involved with magic long before the computer age and seem to learn something every time I log on!!! Who knew that there was a better way to do a Faro? GREAT JOB!!!”
– Uncle Roy
“You’re my single favorite card magician. I am such a huge fan of your content because it is so much different than every other teacher I’ve seen online. I’ve been doing card magic for about 6 or 7 years now and I felt like I hit a wall in my progression. I’m in college so I don’t have a lot of time to study techniques shown in a book. Your videos were so instrumental in progressing my skills and expanding my arsenal in an extremely speedy fashion. Your explanations are also very clear and concise and I love you always focus on the nitty gritty, considering that’s where a lot of card instructors lack in their explanations. Just letting you know that I’m a supporter of 52Kards and hopefully you’ll get a chance to answer back and maybe I can ask you a few technique questions or something. Thanks you.”
– Chris Wheatley
“I have to say that you, Asad, are a cut above the rest of the YouTube herd. Your smooth, mature delivery, intelligent patter and confident hand make you one of the ones to watch. And I don’t just mean magic. I’m sure you that you could pick any field and come out on top in just a few years. I wish you all the best, but hey, you won’t need it. A subscriber and a fan.”
– Jim Davis
“I feel that what you are doing through this website and your YouTube channel is phenomenal and deserves a lot of recognition. Your channel and site have helped many young magicians like me and many others to polish their skills and learn new tricks.”
– Sparsh
“Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I thoroughly enjoy your website and youtube channel.
I have been working on my card flourishes and sleight of hand techniques for about a year and a half now. I have always enjoyed playing with cards, but it wasn’t until the beginning of last year when I decided I was going to buckle down and really start to understand and learn some of the techniques I saw performed but could not do or didn’t know how to do. I’m still a newbie, but have a brain like a sponge and have been absorbing everything I can.
I actually found you and your website via one of your videos on youtube demonstrating a card technique that I was looking into and trying to work on. I believe it was the up the ladder false shuffle I looked up first. From there I discovered all your other videos and have been trying to watch all the ones I can as I enjoy your teaching methods which are clear, concise and easy to understand. I’m glad you have a youtube channel and post videos often as it will be an excellent resource for me.
Anyway, just wanted to drop you a line and express my gratitude for your videos and I hope you keep posting often in the future. It really is a helpful resource to those of us out there who are continuing to learn. :)”
– Brian
“Hello Asad,
I just wanted to say thank you for taking your time to put up such an informative and well put together site for card magic. I have been injured and have chronic pain, somethings in my life I can no longer do which has been very upsetting, I always had a love for playing cards and cards in general. I now have a new passion to take my love of cards further and it creates an awesome distraction from the soreness. I am grateful to have found your website.
I got a few new decks last night from you and look forward to my new journey! Thank you for sharing your gift. Not only of cards but you have a wonderful ability of teaching. Health and happiness to you”
– Dory
“You’re one of the reasons I’m using magic to overcome my disability and get back out performing. I sent a much longer, detailed email before, I just want to make sure you do continue to keep going. You have a unique ability my friend. IMO your teaching style rivals any I’ve ever learned from, and I started from watching Michael Ammar, Darryl from The Encyclopedia of Card Sleights, and Larry Jennings to name a few.”
– Brian James