The 4 Ace Production Routine is an extremely impressive display of skill that uses many card control and production techniques.
It’s going to be a long road to be able to nail all of these moves in a row. Have fun practicing!
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VIrtuoso Deck Spring Edition
Amazing. It’s actually my first day trying to learn card tricks. Very insightful. Thank you.
This, sir, is golden. Thank you very much for all of your work here. You are indeed a great teacher and an even better magician.
you are amazing asad chaudry
The order I use is a false tabled faro Shuffle followed by a Vernon tabled false Cut then I do a benzais spin out production. After that I do a false swing Cut than a top shot. After all that I do a Sybil Cut followed by a shapeshifter, then I do a pinky count than doing a double undercut finally doing a hot shot production
i finally mastered this after a month this was so amazing thank you so much