The Double Undercut

  • Description

    The Double Undercut is a fundamental technique for card control. It can be used to control a selected card to the top of the deck, or to secretly move a number of cards from the bottom of the deck to the top (and vice versa).

  • Sources

    Not Available

  • Deck Used

    Bicycle Cupid Back

False Triple Cut

  • Description

    The False Triple Cut is a great way to retain the order of the deck while creating the illusion that the cards are being mixed.

  • Sources

    Not Available

Hindu Shuffle Control

  • Description

    The Hindu Shuffle control is one of the most effective ways to control a card to the top of the deck.

  • Sources

    Not Available

  • Deck Used

    Can’t remember the name of this deck.

Twisting The Aces

  • Description

    Performance and Tutorial for the card trick Twisting The Aces. This trick is classic 🙂

  • Sources

    Dai Vernon

  • Deck Used

    Split Spades deck