This is an elegant way of mixing the cards if you have a table to work on.
Beginner – Intermediate
Pro Tips
Use a counter-clockwise circular motion when cutting the cards to make the sequence look more fluid.
Deck Used
This was very helpful when I read Expert at the Card Table by S. W. Erdnase. If I didn’t watch this, I would have no idea what to do when it said to preform running cuts. Now I can do them well with the blind cuts that go with them!
It’s quite interesting: many moves done at the card table (Tabled Riffle Shuffle, Running Cuts, Fancy One-Handed Table Cut) start with the same grip on the cards, grabbing the long edges with the thumb on one side, the ring and middle finger on the other.
This can be turned into a false cut if you quickly draw the BOTTOM cards instead. Done with the right speed and cleanness, it is undetectable except under close examination.
I watched this video the day you released it but I think it’s about time I properly learned this! Thanks for the awesome content as always, Asad.
Thanks for the tip on how to cleanup, really elegant way love it