Tabled Running Cuts

  • Description

    This is an elegant way of mixing the cards if you have a table to work on.

  • Difficulty

    Beginner – Intermediate

  • Pre-Requisites


  • Pro Tips

    Use a counter-clockwise circular motion when cutting the cards to make the sequence look more fluid.

Marlo Tilt Card Control

  • Description

    The Marlo Tilt (also known as the “Depth Illusion”) is a very deceptive card control that looks like you are pushing the card directly into the middle of the deck, when you are really placing it second from the top. This is a great move to use in an ambitious card routine, or anywhere else where you need to control a card.

  • Difficulty

    Intermediate. Will take a little bit of practice to get into position and to sell the illusion.

  • Pre-Requisites

    You should be comfortable with Holding a Pinky Break before you try to learn the Marlo Tilt.

  • Pro Tips

    1.)  Make sure you get your break and setup for the tilt while the audience is looking at the card they picked. You have all the misdirection in the world in this moment and there is no way they will see anything suspicious.

    2.) Tilt your wrist to the side a bit as you insert the card into your break. This will help you cover your angles so that the people to the right of you don’t see anything.

    3.) You can use this move the control a card to a very specific position. For example, lets say you wanted to control a selected card to the 7th position from the top of the deck. This can be done very easily using the Marlo Tilt by getting a break below the top 6 cards and continue with the move as normal.

Palm Spin Card Shooting

  • Description

    This is a fun move where you shoot out playing cards from your palm You can shoot out many card in a row with great accuracy and distance.

  • Difficulty

    It will take a little while to get used to the palm and get the card spinning. It should take quite a bit longer to be able to shoot the cards without hesitation and with accuracy.

  • Pro Tips

    1.) Do this move with your hand palm down to shoot the cards outwards away from yourself instead of up.

  • Sources


  • Deck Used

    Bicycle Standards

PaintBrush Top Change

  • Description

    This is a neat card switch that can be done using the same mechanics as the Paintbrush Color Change.

  • Difficulty

    This is an intermediate level move. Don’t expect to be able to do it flawlessly without any flash. You should use a good angle, and work on the timing to do it in a moment of relaxation to shade the move.

  • Sources

    Not Available

Underspread Touch Force

  • Description

    This Card Force is one of the cleanest and most convincing methods I know of. The spectator can truly touch any card they want, and they always see the force card. Before you learn how to do this force, you will need to learn the spread cull. I have made a tutorial for this already and you can find a link to it in the related videos section.

  • Difficulty

    This card control will take a good amount of practice to do smoothly and without hesitation. You will need to spend some time in front of a mirror to make sure you are angling the pack downwards a bit so that the culled card cannot be seen.

  • Sources

    Not Available

  • Deck Used

    Charity Water

Finger Dexterity Exercise

  • Description

    A little drill you can practice to make your fingers stronger and more coordinated.

Twisted Sonic Pen Flourish

  • Description

    The Twisted Sonic pen spin is an extension on pen spin number one that doubles the spinning action.

  • Difficulty


Fat Deck Principle

  • Description

    This is a neat little move you can use to create the illusion that you have more cards in your hand than you really do. In my next video I’ll teach you a really good application for this move in the context of a card trick.

  • Pre-Requisites


  • Sources

    Not Available

  • Deck Used

    Smoke & Mirrors

Ambitious Card Routine