Tabled 4 Ace Production Routine

Modified Top Shot

  • Description

    The Top Shot by Lennart Green is one of my favorite moves with a pack of cards. This is a modified handling that allows you to do the shot with just a minor change in the grip that you use.

  • Difficulty


  • Sources

    Lennart Green

One Handed Pop Out Move

  • Description

    This is an incredibly visual pop out method for producing a card from the deck. It is a technically difficult move to pull off, but well worth the practice.

  • Difficulty


  • Sources

    Srechko Howard

    Ernest Earick

Infinity Cards

  • Description

    This is an interesting move that allows you to take two cards, and make them appear as if they are any number of cards that you want. It is one of the more advanced false counting techniques, but there are many great applications for it within the context of various packet tricks.

  • Difficulty


The Snap Double

The Snap Double

  • Description

    This is a great extension that can be added to your current double lift to make it more convincing and to demonstrate singularity in the cards. The Double Lift is one of the most important moves in card magic so it’s well worth the time to practice it till you master it!This is a great extension that can be added to your current double lift to make it more convincing and to demonstrate singularity in the cards. The Double Lift is one of the most important moves in card magic so it’s well worth the time to practice it till you master it!

  • Deck Used

    Black Mint – This deck was created by 52Kards with magicians specifically in mind.

  • Difficulty

    Advanced. It will take a good amount of practice to get a nice snap sound without separation in the cards.

  • Sources

    Larry Jennings

Close-up Card Vanish

  • Description

    In this tutorial I’ll cover a card vanishing technique that is ideal for close up scenarious. Most backpalming is typically done in a stage setting with your arm outstretched to your side, but this variation allows you to perform the vanish for someone directly in front of you. It also makes use of your second hand for cover so you can do the vanish slowly and with less risk of flashing when done at the proper angle.

  • Difficulty


  • Pre-Requisites


  • Sources


  • Deck Used

    Raspberry MINTs.

Card Under Box

  • Description

    This is a bold method for performing the Card Under Box trick. The card load happens right before the card is revealed to be under the box, which makes this a versatile method and ideal for off the cuff situations.

  • Difficulty

    Intermediate – Advanced

  • Sources

    I first saw Bill Malone do this in one of his On The Loose DVD’s. I’m sure it’s much older than that but I’m not exactly sure where else it has been published. Let me know if the comments if you have any more info on this method.

Wedge Cull

  • Description

    The Wedge Cull is a variation on the standard spread cull that allows you to effectively cull and control multiple cards in the process of spreading through the deck.

  • Difficulty

    Intermediate – Advanced

  • Credits/Sources

    Credits – Larry Jennings, Vernon
    Source – The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings

Backpalm Card Vanish

  • Description

    I first got intrigued with magic and playing cards after seeing a friend do some back palm card vanishes back in 8th grade. To this day this is one of my favorite things to do with a card. When done properly it should look like you just throw the card in the air and it just vanishes. A few seconds later you reach out and pluck it out of thin air. This is the wonderful art of card manipulation.

  • Difficulty
