Rub a Dub
/0 Comments/in Tricks/Effects, Other, Sleight of Hand, Impromptu, Other Intermediate /byDescription
The Rub A Dub is an incredibly visual and magical card vanish that can be done anytime with a completely normal pack of cards. This move is all about timing. The technique itself is very simple but make sure to practice in front of a mirror/camera to get the timing right.
Greater Magic (1938)
Expert Card Technique (1940)
Off the Top (1945)Deck Used
Two Handed Top Palm
/5 Comments/in Sleight of Hand, Palming Intermediate /byDescription
Palming is a very important aspect of sleight of hand card magic. The classic palm is among one of the most popular (if not the most) palming techniques available to magicians. In this video I’ll teach you how to secretly and efficiently get the top card of the deck into classic palm position.
You need to know how to hold a card in classic palm position. Watch this tutorial if you don’t know how to do it already.
Royal Road to Card Magic
Card College volume 2Deck Used
Wedge Cull
/4 Comments/in Sleight of Hand, Culling, Card Control Intermediate, Advanced /by AsadDescription
The Wedge Cull is a variation on the standard spread cull that allows you to effectively cull and control multiple cards in the process of spreading through the deck.
Intermediate – Advanced
Credits – Larry Jennings, Vernon
Source – The Classic Magic of Larry JenningsDeck Used
Buttery Smooth False Cut
/5 Comments/in False Cut, Sleight of Hand Intermediate /by AsadDescription
This is an elegant fully false tabled cut sequence. It has a really nice rhythm to it and makes good use of steps in the packets to retain the entire order of the deck.
There are so many false cut variations similar to this sequence. I’m not sure if this exact handling has been published before. Let me know if you have seen it published in the comment section, and I’ll update the source info.
Deck Used
Cros Twist
/1 Comment/in Packet Trick, Tricks/Effects Intermediate /by AsadThe Cros Twist
The Cros Twist is a one handed variation of Paul Harris’ Bizarre Twist from The Art of Astonishment volume 1. It’s a strikingly visual effect where the Ace of Spades is trapped in between two cards and then magically flips over with a shake. The magician repeats the trick again, but this time it has an even greater effect.
Credits: Paul Harris, Daniel Cros
Source: Art of Astonishment vol. 1
Deck Used
The Mexican Turnover
/2 Comments/in Sleight of Hand, Card Switch Intermediate /by AsadDescription
The Mexican Turnover is a deceptive sleight of hand technique that allows you to secretly switch out a tabled card for the card in your hand. This switch can be used in a number of powerful card tricks which we will discuss in later videos.
Credits – Unknown
Sources – Card College Vol. 4
The KM Move
/0 Comments/in Double Lift, Sleight of Hand, Other Intermediate /by AsadDescription
The KM Move is a handy utility sleight that has a number of applications including cleaning up your double lift. If you ever get called out for doing a double lift, this move can help you recover.
Tony Kardyro
Ed Marlo
The Jumping Card
/1 Comment/in Card Shooting, Tricks/Effects, Other, Other, Flourishes Intermediate /by AsadDescription
This is a clever move that allows you to deal a card to the table and have it magically jump back to the top of the deck. It can be used as a startling gag, or to enhance an overall magic effect.
Created by Jeff McBride
Published as “The Jumping Card” in Apocalypse Vol. 1-5, page 199.
This is the most commonly used false count technique and it will help you perform a large number of powerful packet tricks. It will take a good amount of practice to be able to do it smoothly and reliably, but it is well worth the effort!
This is an intermediate level sleight. It will take many many repetitions to be able to do it smoothly and to make each count look identical.
Alex Elmsley
Published in:
More Inner Secrets of Card Magic (1960)
Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic (1967)
Issue 4 – Hierophant (1970)
and many other sources
Deck Used
Mint Playing Cards